About AI42

About AI42

Do you know the technology behind how your face is getting recognized by your phone or how Facebook knows exactly what to recommend for you to buy? Or you might already know the theory behind but not the practice?  Would you be able to build those algorithms on your own? If you answered any of these questions with a no then AI42 is here to answer, because AI 42 knows the answers to all of your questions. Lets face it, it is quite hard to find the right materials on the internet to learn about these topics in a constructive way. We are here to help YOU.

Our motivation

The motivation for starting AI42 comes from the recognition that there is no good starting material. We aim to take you all the way from complete beginner to getting enough knowledge to be able to build your own model. Join us and learn about all current topics in AI and Machine learning. AI42 is a strong team consisting of two Microsoft AI MVPs that strive to provide YOU with a valuable series of lectures that will help you to jump-start your career in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence.

Our concept

The concept is simple and involves professionals from everywhere around the globe – there is going to be new content every second week ON WEDNESDAY that will help you to understand the underlying mathematics, statistics, probability calculations together with data science and machine learning pipelines, with these lectures YOU are going to be able to learn everything that will help you to land YOUR dream job – as long as it is related to artificial intelligence and/or data science.

Our vision

You will be able to connect with the best in class experts from all around the world that will hold your lectures and workshops with rich contents. By creating cross collaborations with other organizations we can give you the best opportunities to broaden your network in the AI and DS communities. With the combination of our offered services we would be able to support less fortunate people and organizations that are not that recognized yet even though they deserve it. We are also in close collaboration with the Global AI Community and Microsoft.